847 Linden History
The house at 847 Linden Avenue in downtown Long Beach was built in 1907. The house is one of Long Beach's Heritage Homes, and is listed as
one of Long Beach's Historical Landmarks because of its unique architecture. In December of 1994, Byron and Bonnie White purchased the house with the
intention of restoring it to its original condition. They faced the challenge of restoring a home that was missing all lights and light switches, 7 doors,
and 24 windows. In addition, all hardware, doorknobs, and sinks were missing.
In 1998, Joseph and Susan Ginder purchased the home for their family with intentions to finish the restoration of the house and to live there. After many
months of hard work the house was mostly restored and the family moved in. In the following months, the restoration was completed as planned. Currently
there are plans to build an additional house unit on the back of the lot at 847 Linden Avenue that will house the You family (Laura, Vanrith, and Kylie You).
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